Oh I'm getting so frustrated! I feel like reading all of these after-death experience accounts is creating yet another conversion of thought or certainty for me (I was just blubbering like a baby in the middle of Starbucks reading one, and looked around me and felt so happy for everybody there). It makes me even more livid at dysfunctional religion for taking the most beautiful of realities - that unfathomable love is available to us after death - and turning it into something ugly. Guess what, you proud jerk faces: there are innumerable reports of atheists seeing incredible light and feeling total love after death. YOU ARE WRONG. NOBODY NEEDS TO JOIN YOUR CLUB. Stop ruining the associations with God for normal people! Wake up and change your emotionally destructive cultures and Biblical interpretations. See that little wrinkly blob of skin on the fifth stage of the caterpillar up there? Shed that puppy.

It really is like the rape of a soul, what bad religion does. And yet it is done by humans who are never completely bad; even at my most fundamentalist and fearful, I still wanted to love people, and thought I was helping them.

I hate bad theology so much. If I could leave behind some kind of change in the world it would be cleaning up the shit of off-kilter religious thought and teaching.

Let me try to calm down for a moment. ARGHHH!!!!

We are to the point now where hundreds of thousands of people have experienced love after death and then resuscitated. Numerous irreligious doctors are studying the phenomenon. Sam Parnia writes, "Frequently, people – including doctors and scientists – say to me that if someone was brought back to life, then he or she wasn't actually dead. How could the person has been dead if the individual is now alive? But the fact of the matter is that death isn't what you and I decided it to be. Someone may have a philosophical idea that death is defined as when a person cannot come back and talk, eat, or share stories. That may have even been our own beliefs or our doctor's belief, but that's not death. People don't set the parameters for what death is; science does."

One very common element in all of the people who come back is that they are shy and reluctant to talk about what they experienced. WHY ISN'T RELIGION THE SAME WAY. Gah! Legend has it that Jesus would heal people and say, "Don't tell anyone." I understand being so excited that you just have to share*, but a twinkle in your eye, peace in your expression, and love in your actions are a million times more powerful and respectful of others' freedom and need to decide things for themselves than creating a system of exclusionary requirements.

So much of religion is just so evil.

*Eben Alexander comes to mind, although I'm exasperated with the Simon & Schuster marketing department for putting a full-page photo of him on the back cover of the newest paperback version. I get it that celebrity culture is the currency by which messages are spread in our country, but it is exactly that method that makes most people my age and younger distrustful of the bill of goods being sold.

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